NPA – flu vaccination training

The NPA has arranged a number of flu vaccination training sessions to enable pharmacists to administer a range of vaccinations, including those available through the NPA’s PGD service.

The practical training sessions will cover anaphylaxis, basic adult life support and information on the vaccination training programme. These sessions are supported by a series of online training modules.

The NPA’s vaccination programme is offered to members at a highly competitive price and is suitable for those who are new to vaccination services as well as those requiring refresher training. By the end of the course, participants will be competent in intramuscular, subcutaneous, intradermal and nasal administration.

Training dates


Sunday 26th       Glasgow

Sunday 26th       Stirling

August  Sunday 16th       Liverpool

Sunday 16th       Manchester

Sunday 23rd       Glasgow

Sunday 23rd       London

Sept       Sunday 6th         Leeds

Sunday 6th         Birmingham

Sunday 13th       London

Sunday 13th       Cardiff

For more information please visit the NPA website. You can also get further details and pricing information from  Nigel Page on 01727 858687 ext 3395 or email