CPPE epilepsy focal point
1st November 2016 19.30 to 21.00 with light refreshments available from 19.00
Holiday Inn, Peterborough PE36SG
This event aims to enable you to develop your knowledge and skills in the holistic management of epilepsy, in order to support patients and their relatives and carers more effectively as part of a wider multidisciplinary team.
Would you know what advice and support to offer women with epilepsy who are thinking about becoming pregnant?
• Do you feel confident carrying out an effective medicine use review on one of your patients with epilepsy?
• What could you do to help support a patient with epilepsy who also has a learning disability?
As well as an update on epilepsy and its management, you will get lots of information to help your patients, including information about risk assessment, driving regulations and contraception. CPPE Focal Points bring you right up-to-date with expertly written material and learning with colleagues in a relaxed friendly supportive environment.