Minor ailments service for asylum seekers

This service is available to a limited number of pharmacies close to hotels used to house asylum seekers. Pharmacies will provide self care advice and OTC treatments for patients with specified conditions.

Contract and Service Specification
Training Requirements

All pharmacists delivering this service must:

• Be registered with the General Pharmaceutical Council and undertake the
requirements for revalidation
• Have completed the CPCS self-assessment
framework Final V1.pdf (nhsbsa.nhs.uk) and make a declaration of

Service Contacts

Contracts and commissioning team – cpicb.phjcuadmin@nhs.net


This service is  claimed via PharmOutcomes. If you are offering this service and it is does not appear in your PharmOutcomes list of services contact our support officer – supportofficer@camsblpc.org.uk or 07432 421630

Useful links and documents