HLP resources

Once you have received HLP accreditation you need to continue to promote and provide your patients with information on health topics.

The resources on this page will help you do this. Make sure you document evidence of any campaigns you are involved with such as photos and customer feedback.

Public Health England produce a Healthy Living Pharmacy newsletter which provides information and links to resources which can used in your pharmacy. Sign up to this newsletter here.

Healthy You lifestyle services available across Cambridgeshire and Peterborough – HY_A5 1pp_all services leaflet_June 22

Overview of services available across Cambridgeshire and Peterborough – How Are You Cambridgeshire and Peterborough | H.A.Y. Home (haycambspboro.co.uk)

Below you will find information on specific topics:

National Resources

CPE have developed lots of useful tools and documents for pharmacies to use to help support during the process of becoming a HLP. These documents can be found here.

Dementia Friends website.

Making Every Contact Count (MECC) is a simple concept which can be used by all Health Champions and pharmacy support staff to give patients the opportunity to engage in proactive conversations about health. Healthy You offer MECC training locally – Healthy You MECC Training Flyer

RSPH Impact pathways for everyday interactions

Active/ Healthy Lifestyle
Blindness/ low vision

This short video highlights some of the issues young carers face when dealing with health professionals – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kM8SRDnJmm4&feature=youtu.be

Caring Together is a charity that works with carers locally. They have developed a ‘carers tick award’ which shows you are a carer friendly business. More information on how to achieve this award can be found on their website.
They produce a regular newsletter which contains lots of helpful information. You can sign up to receive this newsletter and see previous issues here.

Children's Health
Falls Prevention

Sport and fitness for older adults – Cambridge City Council

Falls prevention referral form 2020

“Stronger for Longer” strength and balance classes are available across Cambridgeshire:
Cambridgeshire – https://www.bewellcambridgeshire.co.uk/your-health-and-wellbeing/stay-stronger-for-longer
Peterborough – https://fis.peterborough.gov.uk/kb5/peterborough/directory/site.page?id=AXuKle43A3Q

https://applyforleap.org.uk/ – The Local Energy Advice Partnership provides free energy advice to local residents.

Hearing Loss

To order a test call icash on 0300 300 30 30

For general information or support for those affected by HIV contact the Sexual ill health prevention service at CambridgeshireCSO@THT.org.uk or 07552 843799.

Household Support Fund

Attached is a leaflet for the Household Support Fund that can be printed and given to older adults and a referral form should staff be able to complete the form on the person’s behalf.

The older adult can also ring Age UK Cambridgeshire and Peterborough and they will complete the form on their behalf too. Telephone 01223 221929 for Cambridgeshire and 01733 565032 for Peterborough.

Eligibility is:

  • Person born on or before 30 September 1956
  • Lives in Cambridgeshire
  • Is experiencing financial hardship
  • No one under the age of 19 (born after the 30 September 2003), lives with them
  • Earns less than £17,940 per year

For further info see the attached info for email or Household Support Fund – Cambridgeshire County Council

Independent Living


AGE UK – Community Support at Home Service

Peterborough Information Network (PIN) – http://www.peterborough.gov.uk/pin

Peterborough Guide to Independent Living 2019/20. Peterborough pharmacies should receive some hard copies of this magazine in early December 2019, you can request more copies by emailing ascinfo@peterborough.gov.uk

MECC Flyer

Mental Health
Smoking Cessation