Smoking cessation
The full smoking cessation service was decommissioned at the end of March 2023. The NRT voucher service remains available. Patients are provided with electronic NRT vouchers by the specialist smoking service and redeem these at participating pharmacies.
NRT Voucher Scheme:
- Smoking Cessation training for all staff involved in providing the service.
- All pharmacists should complete NCSCT stop smoking medications module and NCSCT very brief advice on smoking module, and have an awareness of local stop smoking support pathways. If you have previously attended level 2 training you do not need to complete these modules.
- All staff are encouraged to access the nationally accredited certification which is available free of charge via the National Centre for Smoking Cessation Training website
Claimed via PharmOutcomes .
Access to PharmOutcomes will be required to view the products the client requires. It is important that all staff are aware of this and can access PharmOutcomes.
Quick guide to NRT vouchers on PharmOutcomes
Healthy You offer smoking cessation services in Cambridgeshire – Healthy You – improving health across Cambridgeshire and Peterborough
Healthy You A5 1pp SS leaflet_June 22
Drug Interactions with Tobacco Smoking FINAL July 2021 – Approved