Clinical waste collection

This service is commissioned by Peterborough City Council. If you are not offering this service in your pharmacy use the Peterborough City Council website (see useful links below) to find the nearest pharmacy providing the service so you can signpost patients correctly.

Service Specification and Contract Details
Training Requirements

The Pharmacy Contractor has a duty to ensure that pharmacists and staff involved in the provision of the service have relevant knowledge and are appropriately trained in the operation of the Services.  This training must be recorded and updated annually. Evidence is to be recorded.

All Pharmacy Contractor staff will have read and signed the SOP, and reviewed annually.

All Pharmacy Contractor staff will have signed the needle stick injury policy, and reviewed annually.

Service Contacts

To request a bin collection contact or alternatively you can phone the Council call centre on 01773 747474.

To submit an invoice, discuss bin collections or for any other queries relating to this service contact –

The pharmacy record form should be submitted monthly to The record form can be found on page 20 of the contract.


You must submit an invoice annually to Peterborough City Council, this is in addition to the monthly Pharmacy Record form, just submitting the Record form will not generate payment

Below is a pro forma invoice you may find useful.

INVOICE for Disposal of Clinical Sharps Service

INVOICE for Disposal of Clinical Sharps Service PDF

Invoices should be sent to

Useful Links and Documents