Harm Reduction Services

Harm reduction services are commissioned by CGL.

Delivery of these services is variable across our pharmacies. See this presentation given to our committee at the July 2024 meeting.

CGL LPC meeting 16.7.24

We’ve created this quick guide as a reminder to help you deliver these services

Quick guide to CGL services

CGL Core Mat Update 4th April 2024

Service Specification & Contract Details
Training Requirements

Core Mat Service:

  • All pharmacists and technicians (including locums) involved in delivering the service must complete the  CPPE Declaration of Competence (DoC) for Supervised administration of prescribed medicine. CGL require you to undertake refresher training every three years, CPPE recommend you review all DoCs every two years.
  • You will need to complete the DoC in order to record provisions for the service on PharmOutcomes. Provisions will need to be entered on a daily/regular basis so ensure any locums have completed the required training. There is a three month grace period.
  • CGL will provide update training, suitable for the whole team on an annual basis and as and when required. This training may be face to face or virtual. Attendance at this annual training event is recommended and any changes should be cascaded to all team members.
  • Training must be undertaken by all staff delivering this service, this could be watching the recorded versions of any virtual training sessions.

Needle and Syringe Provision:

  • All pharmacists must complete CPPE Substance Use and Misuse and CPPE Use and Misuse: Anabolic steroids
  • All pharmacists involved in delivering this service must complete the CPPE Declaration of Competence for Needle and Syringe Programme. CPPE recommend that all DoCs are reviewed every two years.
  • All pharmacists must have undertaken level 2 safeguarding training and have an enhanced DBS check in place from the previous two years or will complete an enhanced DBS check within three months of starting the service.
  • CGL will provide appropriate updates and  training at quarterly meetings. Attendance at these meetings is recommended.
  • Refresher training must be undertaken every three years and evidence provided.

Take Home Naloxone:

Service Contacts

CGL Pharmacy Liaison
For Cambridgeshire (except Fenland)
David Trickey – David.Trickey@cgl.org.uk or 07435 781732
Emma Larner – Emma.Larner@cgl.org.uk or 07776961622

For Peterborough and Fenland:
Lisa Bishop – Lisa.Bishop@cgl.org.uk or o7918277280

The shared mailbox is –  PharmacyLiaison.Peterborough@cgl.org.uk

To order kits use the web based portal https://fcom.uk/login
If you have problems accessing the site contact NXSales@vernagroup.com
If you haven’t previously ordered kits using this site, send an email to NXsales confirming you are offering needle exchange in the CGL Cambridgeshire area along with your pharmacy name, address and email. An account will be created for you.

CGL – 0300 555 0101 or cambridgeshirereferrals@cgl.org.uk 


Dial 999 if a client is in immediate danger, needs urgent medical attention or is the victim of a serious crime.

For further information visit the safeguarding page – Safeguarding – Cambridgeshire & Peterborough (cambsandpeterboroughlpc.org.uk)

Useful Links and Documents