Quality Payment Scheme – let’s achieve together!
As you will be aware The Department of Health is introducing a Quality Payments scheme as part of the Community Pharmacy Contractual Framework in 2017/18. This will involve payments being made to community pharmacy contractors meeting certain quality criteria.
We are holding a series of free events over the next few months which will explain the scheme to you and enable you to actually meet some of the criteria there and then. We will also be providing practical tips on maximising your pharmacy income.
More information on the events and what will be covered is below. We would suggest to get the most from these sessions you attend one LPC led event and one of the NPA sessions.
We are anticipating high demand for these sessions so for now we ask that only person from each
pharmacy attends.
LPC led sessions – 22 January 2017 & 19 March 2017
Brampton Park Golf Club, Huntingdon
10am – 3.45pm. A hot lunch will be provided
Speakers at these sessions include Dementia Friends, who will run a information session which will enable you to achieve ‘Dementia Friend’ status – one of the payment criteria.
Liam Stapleton will also be running a session on how to maximise your pharmacy’s dispensing income
NPA led sessions – 26 February 2017 & April/May date TBC
Brampton Park Golf Club, Huntingdon
10am – 4pm. A hot lunch will be provided
This sessions will cover a number of items including business planning, promoting your business and an overview of HLP.
To book your place for any of these events, please email Jayne Leckie. As we will be running these events free of charge we will charge £100 if you book a place but fail to turn up with notifying us beforehand. When booking your place, please state that you are aware of this.