NHS Mail Accounts
Each pharmacy can now have up to ten individual accounts linked to the NHS shared mailbox. The NHS shared mail box should be checked on a regular basis as it is now the preferred method of contact for many organisations. You can find more information on NHSmail on the PSNC website.
It is especially important that staff working evenings and weekends have a linked NHSmail account as it is the back up contact route for the CPCS.
Guide for community pharmacies using NHSmail September 2019
If your pharmacy doesn’t have an NHSmail shared account you will need to register using the NHSmail registration portal.
Guide to using the NHSmail registration portal.
NHSmail queries should be directed to the NHSmail pharmacy helpdesk at pharmacyadmin@nhs.net and ideally sent from an NHSmail account. The general NHSmail helpdesk can be contacted on 0333 200 1133, but they will only be able to offer limited support. It is therefor recommended that queries are initially sent to the NHSmail pharmacy helpdesk. Keep all emails until the issue is resolved. If you are unable to resolve an issue with the pharmacy helpdesk you can escalate the issue to PSNC by emailing it@psnc.org.uk and including any email correspondence with the helpdesk.