Pharmacy First

This page has local information to help you deliver Pharmacy First.

111/ Out of Hours

You may want to display this poster in a staff only as a reminder to use the 111 Health Professional Line. There is also a QR code for the HUC  professional feedback form.

pharmacyfirst 111 reminder poster

Minor Injuries Units

There are three minor injuries units across our area, in Ely, Doddington and Wisbech. Pharmacies can signpost patients to these units. This service spec shows which conditions can be treated in the MIU and the main exclusion criteria.

MIU Service Spec 2024_

MIU patient leaflet Dec 2023

Virtual Outcomes

Virtual Outcomes provide a range of online training for the whole pharmacy team, including recently added courses for Pharmacy First. We fund access to this training for all pharmacies in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough, simply enter your ODS (F) code. See this flyer for more details

 Pharmacy First -hints tips and learnings

Promotional Material

Our colleagues from Community Pharmacy Norfolk & Suffolk have produced artwork that can be used for roller or pop up banners. For more information click here.

The CPE website also has links to available resources

Thanks to Community Pharmacy Lincolnshire for sharing the below resources which we have amended for use in our area