New Medicines Service (NMS) Antidepressant Pilot
This pilot closed at the end of March 2024
Pharmacies in Bretton Park and Hampton PCN and Peterborough East PCN have been invited to join the NMS expansion pilot for the inclusion of depression as a therapeutic area.
The Specification can be found on the NHSBSA website
To support the delivery of this service, completion of the following training resources within the last two years is required:
Pharmacists must also meet all of the requirements of the Advanced Service Specification for NMS. You can find the details on the PSNC website
Pharmacy Integration Fund Project Manager Debs Dullaghan –
Payments will be processed monthly based on submissions on to the pilot web based reporting tool.
Do not include any NMS provided as part of the pilot in your monthly submission to NHSBSA.
Presentation from local training event held 26th March 2023 – Updated presentation_final
This document was originally produced to support DMS referrals sent from CPFT but includes a section on antidepressants – DMS in MH Trusts. CPs Educational Resources July 2021
Mental health support available locally – HAY_Peterborough_Support_Mar21